Learn more about Shannon’s book, Breaking Free: Stop Holding Back, Start Being You

Somehow I blinked, and it’s already August. On the one hand, that makes me really sad knowing there are just 4 weeks of this glorious weather and relaxed schedules left, but on the other hand, it still means there’s still time to get what we want out of summer.

At the end of June, I wrote a post called “How to get the most out of your summer,” and in today’s post, I want to check in and see how it’s going. After all, I wouldn’t be an excellent coach if I didn’t follow up on your action plans.

Did you set an intention for your summer? If yes, how’s it going? If no, what intention do you want to set for the rest of your summer?

In my case, I set an intention that this summer is all about fun and family. More adventures, less worry! This is the first summer where I have a relaxed schedule now that I’m my own boss, and I want to make the most out of this extra time I have with my family.

It’s been fabulous, but also hard. You see, I’m not used to a more relaxed schedule, and relaxation takes work, as crazy as that sounds. In fact, just in writing this post, I’m reminded of easing up on myself and my to-do lists.

As for having adventures, that gets a big fat checkmark. This summer has been grand, from riding on The Bat at Canada’s Wonderland for the first time in years to climbing a mountain in Quebec to dancing in the rain.

When it comes to worrying less, that’s something I need to work on.

Have you set boundaries that align with your intention? Are you giving yourself permission to indulge a bit more, or do you still feel guilt hanging over you for enjoying that extra piece of cake or drink?

Whatever the case, it’s A-OK. Write your boundaries down again and remind yourself of them the next time you feel yourself giving in.

For someone who never was good at setting boundaries professionally, I have to say I’m pretty pleased with the boundaries I set work-wise. Boundaries with the iPad and TV bingeing, on the other hand, definitely need to be revisited.

Did you create a to-do list with the bare minimum required over the summer – personally and professionally?

That’s a big NO for me and a reminder that people have coaches and accountability partners for a reason. It’s easy to forget what we set out to do if we don’t have someone or something reminding us to do it.

So, go back to your to-do list and really see what’s the bare minimum that needs to be done and scratch off anything else. Are there any where you’re hesitating? Consider them gone.

Did you create a “Summer Sunshine List”? Also known as a bucket list but for the summer.

Did you finish it? Amazing! Write a new one.

Did you do what I did with my to-do list and completely forget about this one? No problem – make one this weekend. Sit down with your family and/or friends and write down 5 things you want to do or visit in the next 4 weeks.

Then get out and do them – enjoy your summer!

As Dr. Seuss says…..

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

Summers in Canada are short.

What’s the intention you have for this summer? Now get out there and make it happen. Have fun, enjoy, don’t be so hard on yourself.

To fun and adventures!

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