Learn more about Shannon’s book, Breaking Free: Stop Holding Back, Start Being You

We’ve all heard some variation of these quotes:

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” – Walt Disney

“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions” – Tony Robbins


Sure, they make sense, and I agree with them. But on their own, they’re nothing.


To find the motivation to get started, we need the following:

-An exciting destination we’re working towards

-To believe in the journey

-To understand what obstacles are or could get in our way (fears, limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns)

-To break through our obstacles

-Some joy in our life that we can look forward to every single day.


If you’re doing something only because you feel you “should, “don’t believe in what you’re doing or never face up to what’s holding you back, getting started is going to be freaking hard.


This week I’d invite you to take a look at where you’re just not feeling motivated and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I truly want this? If not, ditch it! If yes, what might be holding you back?
  2. Do I believe I can achieve it? If no, ditch it or find a way to believe. If yes, continue.
  3. What might get in my way?
  4. How can I overcome those obstacles?
  5. What do I do daily that brings me joy?


And if these answers are hard, that’s ok, take some time and journal about them, all with curiosity, never judgment. You never know what might come up.


Then, once you feel good – find a motivational quote that inspires you and go for it!

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